Resilience Music Alliance Launches
with Culturally Diverse, World-Class Recordings
Celebrating the Power of the Human Spirit

New Music Label Empowers
Creators & Artists Who Acknowledge and
Challenge Our Individual and Collective Resilience

In times of social and cultural uncertainty, Resilience is key to societal harmony, advancement and survival. This innate quality allows individuals facing great personal tragedy or failure to pick up the pieces and meet the challenges head on, oftentimes succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

In an oversaturated market flooded with release after release, many artists do not have the support or platform to present their mission-driven Music. The answer is singular and extraordinary: empower visionary artists to stimulate their individual and collective resilience using the power of music.

Enter Resilience Music Alliance, the new artist/mission-driven record label founded by political/social activist Steve Ruchefsky dedicated to releasing culturally diverse, world-class recordings that recognizes, celebrates and challenges the human condition of Resilience. After years in the legal, finance and investment world, Ruchefsky concluded that the way for real positive change to endure the test of time was to inspire, energize and engage listeners through message-driven music.

Partnering with leading independent music distributor INgrooves Music Group, Ruchefsky (President and Founder) has assembled a team of leading music industry professionals including Jeff Moskow (General Manager; A&R Marketing Director) and Jay Gilbert (Digital Marketing Director) of Label Logic, Jana Herzen (A&R and Industry Advisor) – founder and president of multi-Grammy® Awarding-winning label Motéma Music, and Don Lucoff (Publicity Director) – President and founder of DL Media.

Resilience Music Alliance’s focus is on partnering with dynamic and compelling artists who have inspiring stories to tell, and intends on being a community of like-minded creators and artists. The initial 2017 release schedule is comprised of several dynamic and compelling projects; a collection of 12 original compositions inspired by the American Immigrant Experience from Deepak Chopra, Kabir Sehgal and Paul Avgerinos entitled Home: Where Everyone Is Welcome; Award-winning journalist and celebrated jazz vocalist Rondi Charleston’s upcoming album Resilience; and Charleston, SC based quintet Ranky Tanky’s first album together exploring the timeless music of the West African “Gullah” culture born in the southeastern Sea Island region of the United States. These three projects share unique points of view intending to nourish individual and societal resilience.

“In my career,” says Ruchefsky, “I have been fortunate to have been involved with building several successful paradigm shifting businesses. The keys to success are always the people and the mission. Societal and personal stress seem to be at very alarming levels and Resilience must be at the forefront. Associating with experienced, driven music industry professionals, I created Resilience Music Alliance to shine a light on creators and artists who explore our personal and collective inner strength to survive and thrive. I am very exciting about our initial launch and incredible possibilities ahead of us.”